Watch Intro Video


I guide you through my tried and true Mind - Body - Spirit - Space methods Together we tap into what is right at your fingertips to experience massive clarity, confidence, momentum and joy!

Access to What My High Profile, High Paying Clients Have Used for 40 Years

  • We will work with the energy within and around you

  • You will discover own truth and use that to make decisions more easily

  • You will get crystal clear on what is aligned with your heart's desire

  • We will release you from the bonds, cords and grip of the past and past programming with powerful energy clearing

  • You will experience and have forever powerful tools of manifestation

  • You will know how to easily engage your environments to support and anchor your dreams into reality

  • You will jnow the 2 kinds of action and which is more powerful (and easy) to take ze your powerful dreams

Life Wasn't Meant to Be Hard

Take a Peek at What is Inside this 3-Day SHIFT for YOU

  • 3 LIVE 60-90 Minute Workshops: Dealing with the Past, the Future and The Present ($1500 Value)

  • 24/7 Lifetime Access (Including All Updates)

  • Exclusive Energy Mind/Body/Spirit/Space Clearing Meditation ($199 Value)

  • Exclusive Energy Field Alignment and Activation Meditation ($199 Value)

  • Exclusive How to Work with Time & Space ($497 Value)

Here's what you will learn inside this workshop:

Day 1:

  • Explore how 2020 changed you.  Identify what you can use to fuel your future WINS. 
  • Identify the TRUTH for YOU. 
  • Identify what you truly desire 
  • Identify your patterns of struggle and release them
  • Release that ole sticky stuff from your energy field and those around you through powerful energy clearing
  • Discover new tools for in-the-moment awareness and shifting to stay aligned with your dreams
  • Learn how to utilize the two energies of transformation


Day 2:

  • Set your goals that align with your truth & what you really dream of
  • Construct your roadmap to receive it in 2021
  • Learn what your subconscious mind will allow you to actually can HAVE and up-level it
  • Learn 4 simple questions to immediately reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve your goals with the least amount of effort
  • Find your inspiration voice 
  • Know which simple shifts to your spaces will impact and imprint your subconscious “timeline”
  • Create your own daily routines to support your conversation with the Universe


 Day 3:


  • Establish yourself as an infinitely receiving being
  • Learn  to engage in conversations with your higher Nature & all that supports you
  • Learn to surrender the details of the “HOW” and approach your dreams from a place of trust, faith & knowing  
  • Understand Action vs. Non-Action and know how to take right ACTION  it may not be what you think
  • Learn to access the version of yourself who is already living these goals


This workshop was AH-MAZ-ING!

Everything is sparkling...after I listened and did the first day, suddenly everything seemed easier and almost effortless. I have more confidence in my self and my life. Thank you, Fawn, you have showed me how and helped me change my entire life and outlook and luck. Even if something unpleasant happens, I can now shift it immediately. I love that I can listen again and again because I always get something more out of it. Thank you so much for this workshop - my life is so much better in so many ways!

Worth MORE than I CAN Say!!

I just watched the replay because I wasn't able to join the live and WOW! I feel so energized and clear and unstoppable! The content in this workshop is worth WAY more than the $111...and WAY less than all the books and videos and time you'd have to spend to get this all in one place and with this interaction and focused on YOU!! It's such a boost and a blessing! Tell everyone you love - THANK YOU Fawn Chang!

I love my LIFE!

I always knew that there was a method to this but kept getting stuck and going backwards. I feel totally shifted and can now pay off my debt and I am beginning to build my life the way I want it to be! Who knew? Thank you Fawn! You are always right there with just what I need and this was it!!

I LOVE that I Can Listen Any Time!

I am so grateful! I jumped in with both feet to work the program and within a week I discovered my relationship has been a lie! I am so happy that I know it and have moved on with great confidence and focus. This is powerful stuff and I know that sometimes things must leave that are not to go the path together and what has to leave will leave so make room for the better and best! I know what I want and I am manifesting it - even more in every aspect of my life! Thank you so much, Fawn!

I Love Everything About this Course Including Your Sense of Humor

Everything seemed so hard and scary since the Pandemic and what I love about this course it that it gives me HOPE and a PRACTICAL roadmap! I am seeing changes all around me, the world looks brighter and my relationships are better. The money is FLOWING in like never before and I am taking a vacation! Can you believe it? Thank you!

For more great feedback go to